Tuesday, January 9, 2007


APX 0022 01/09/07 version 1.02 5 pages public

Welcome to the show!
If you are just joinning us, please allow me to introduce to you what the truth commission screenplay is all about. In this apendix, you will find links to all the Acts and Scenes, as well as the glossary of terms used in the play. There is also some space here for your comments.

This is a work in progress. Act 1 Scene 1 is almost finished. The introduction is almost complete. Act 2 Scenes 1, 2, 3 and 4 are going to be complete by the end of the week (by 1/14).

Please start with the Intrdoction and then move onto the First Act.

For more infomation on the events outside of the United States durning the war, please wait until Act 3.

As always all comments are welcome.
Please email me personally if you like at

Still under revision


Screen play

A medium for political expression

Truth commission

A commission of working people that discovered the crimes of equality


World Trade Organization

BSoL Act

After the war, the Basic Standard of Living Act as passed, guaranteed all people basic human rights.

US People's Workforce

The people formed a collective Force in response to being attacked by the Elites


The Elites are the people that were called billionaires before the war. They horded all the money they stole from the people and used it to finance war on the rest of us.

Great War

The war fought between the working people and the Elites

Blood revolutionary Arm’s

Army lead by General Justice Jericho in the final assault on the Elites last remaining fortress.

United People’s Army

The collective army of all the working people in North America


Term used to describe anybody on the side of the Elites.

Working People

Describes anyone that made less then $1 million a year before the war.


The Foundation of Human Rights online networking


Land the Elites called their own, and they outlawed anyone else from stepping on it.

Artillery Range

The Elites set up massive artillery to protect their territory. Outline in maps.

Red Wing

Advanced Military Fighter Jet. No know means of taking them down are known. The have a gloss cannon on the front and they drop acid bombs.

Gloss cannon

A extremely high power cannon that is similar to a Gatling gun. The gloss cannon shots liquid metal at extremely high velocity. The metal is so hot that is burns right though any target it hits.

Acid bomb

Bombs dropped from the Red Wings. These bombs looks like large hockey pucks. Hundreds are dropped at once. When they hit the ground, they melt into a burning ball of acid, destroying whatever it landed on. Also causes massive fires. One pay load from the Red Wing out burn down an entire city if fires are not controlled.


These were the Elite’s ace in the whole. There was nothing that we could do to destroy the 4 massive battleships that Elite’s controlled. Two were stationed outside of Elite’s Headquarters and one at each of the other fortresses. Each ship completely 4 tours of the coast around the base.

Tour, battleship

A tour was 200 miles up and own the coast. Blasting every standing building within

Tour, Red Wing

The Red Wings dropped acid bombs on all the land that the battleship cannons could not reach. Millions of miles of towns, cities and wilderness was burned to the ground as a result of uncontrolled fires.




Lust (excessive sexual appetites)

Chastity (purity of soul)

Gluttony (overindulgence)

Temperance (self-restraint)

Greed (avarice)

Charity (giving)

Laziness (idleness)

Diligence (zeal/integrity)

Wrath (anger)

Meekness (composure)

Envy (jealousy)

Kindness (admiration)

Pride (vanity)

Humility (humbleness)



Higher Standard of Living

A philosophy of living that expects more the average.

High Profit, Short Term

Method of renting property that makes the most money in the shortest time.

Social Exchange

People exchange goods and services with one another, everyone benefits


Process in which social exchange is discussed

Coalition Formation

A coalition is an alliance among entities, during which they cooperate in joint action, each in their own self-interest. This alliance may be temporary or a matter of convenience.



The belief of the majority


Righting wrongs and punishing criminals


Everyone has the same opportunities and chances

Everyone that works for a living is paid equally for their work


The ability to pursue what ever you want


Freedom from oppression